Click here to learn more about Acadly Here, our latest attendance platform

Simple, secure,

Simple, secure, automated

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Automatic attendance on Acadly Here - teacher's view and student's view


Open the App

Open the Acadly here app on your phone, and ask your students to do the same.


Tap (or don’t)

Tap the “start attendance” button (unless you’ve pre-scheduled it; in which case, proceed to step 3).



Get your class attendance automatically in minutes!

Automate attendance anywhere

Save teachers 10x time by replacing roll calls with tamper-proof technology
Acadly Here being used in classrooms

Simplify daily employee attendance without installing additional hardware
Acadly Here being used in offices

Discover attendees’ interest in your conferences and event tracks
Acadly Here being used at large events

Simplify attendance in field trips, fire drills, sports, band and choir practice
Acadly Here can be used outdoors for field trips, sports or choir practice

For Classrooms

Save teachers 10x time by replacing roll calls with tamper-proof technology

For Offices

Simplify daily employee attendance without installing additional hardware

For Events

Discover attendees’ interest in your conferences and event tracks

For Outdoors

Simplify attendance in field trips, fire drills, sports, band and choir practice

We will make you love taking attendance

Use zero-tap attendance
Preschedule auto-attendance for recurring sessions, and let it run for the entire term automatically.
Put an end to attendance tampering
A student is marked present only if they are physically present with their phone in class, and there’s no way to outsmart that.
You know where your
students are, we don’t.
Privacy-first attendance with Acadly’s mesh-network technology. We do not access anyone’s geolocation.
Size does not matter

Take attendance for a class of 50 or 500, on
the ground or 100 feet below - with equal
accuracy, using just an internet connection.
Save time in every class
~120 seconds to discover everyone in
attendance; all you need is for everyone to
have internet access and the Acadly Here app
No additional hardware and maintenance
Zero hidden costs for hardware, installations,
maintenance, hidden software, training, or
Effortless for administrative
Export data to CSV, create reports with
students’ email IDs, names, sessions timings,
and attendance statuses
Make manual edits when needed
Mark attendees Present, Absent, Late, or
Excused manually any time. Edit attendance
for learners who may have missed it.
Instant notifications to learners
Every learner gets notified when they’ve been marked present, so that anyone who’s missed can regularize their attendance.

Now live: Contact tracing with Acadly Here

Be pandemic-ready with Acadly here.
  • Identify exposed individuals in a classroom with spatial analytics.
  • Notify relevant people pronto
  • Ensure timely intervention
Schedule a demo
Contact tracing on Acadly Here
Schedule a demo

No hardware. No geolocation.
Just internet.

How do we manage to do all this?

We use a mesh network, leveraging bluetooth and WiFi on the phones of the instructor
and students present. It allows the attendance beacon to “hop” from one device to the
other in the classroom. This means...

We use a mesh network, leveraging bluetooth and WiFi on the phones of the instructor and students present. It allows the attendance beacon to “hop” from one device to the other in the classroom. This means...

Acadly Here uses bluetooth and internet on mobile phones to track students present
There is no way of cheating the system with Acadly Here, since it requires a person's phone to be physically present in the classroom.

Not inside the class? No attendance

Only local signals inside the classroom help one get marked present, and there’s no way to outsmart that, thereby giving you the most secure way of measuring attendance. If someone’s logging in from home, it won’t work.

How much time does Acadly Here save me?

Have been using Acadly for some years, and attendance rates have increased substantially… from about 50% to 80%+, in a class of 140 students. The technology is very reliable.

Niall Devitt, University of Limerick

I needed a painless, free way to monitor attendance... I could not believe what I found in Acadly... how easy it was to set up my huge roster and get going!

Natalie Mountjoy, Western Kentucky University

Looking to automate
online attendance?

Acadly Pro comes with Zoom integration, which lets you capture real-time attendance and attentiveness with in-video prompts.
Check out Acadly
Acadly offers Zoom integration which captures real-time online attendance

We are the world’s most advanced. Here’s why.

Acadly Here
QR codes
GPS based
Attendance automation
Zero tap
Zero hardware
Zero maintenance
Mobile app for attendance
Manual override
Contact tracing
Attendance automation
Zero tap
Zero hardware
Zero maintenance
Mobile app for attendance
Manual override
Contact tracing
Acadly Here
QR codes
GPS based

Looking for an institution-wide solution?

Talk to us

Popular Questions

What do you need to make it work?
Both the teacher and the students need the Acadly Here app (available on Android and iOS) on their phones.
What if someone doesn’t have an Android or iOS smartphone?
Students who don’t have a smartphone can walk up to the professor once the lecture ends and get themselves marked present manually. All you need to do to mark someone present is to tap on their name.
Will this drain my battery?
We automatically switch the radios on your phone off once the attendance process is over to minimize energy consumption. We do not access any radios on your device after attendance is over.
What if someone is standing right outside the door?
Attendance can be started any time during the session/lecture. So if someone is willing to stand right outside the door the entire time… well yes. They can then fool the system.
Is it tamper-proof?
If someone sends their phone with to class with a friend, they can still get attendance. Apart from that, there’s no way to cheat the system.

Taking you to Acadly